Having your family session on Avalon Beach is a wise decision for a few major reasons! I am going to list them below, and you should totally trust me, because, well, I’m a professional!
1. A Family Session on Avalon Beach is perfect because the beaches are clean, and the sand is soft!
I know, I know! You’re probably asking yourself, “wait a minute, aren’t ALL beaches clean and soft?” Well, yes, the answer is definitely yes, but, not all sand feels the same. It’s hard to explain really, but there is something just so nice about walking on the Avalon beaches. The sand is finer, and well, that means softer. There aren’t as many shells here. Yes, there are shells, but not like you would find in North Atlantic City, which is near the inlet, and you can see Brigantine just over the water. The shells get stuck there! So, If you are looking for shells, maybe N. Atlantic City is the spot for you, but if you’re looking for soft sand, I recommend Avalon for sure!
2. The dunes are pretty.
Silly right? I mean, not if you’re looking for a beautiful location for your portraits! I try to scope out ALLLL of the gorgeous locations solely based on beach grass! Not only is it an opportunity to educate your children on our natural eco system, and how the beach grass thrives and helps animals have shelter, and help keep the dunes solid with their roots… it also looks really nice in pictures! I say YES to Avalon’s beach grass. It’s just picture perfect!
3. Avalon Beaches have amazing beach paths!
Seriously! They go on for what feels like forever! But it’s a good forever, almost like you’re on an adventure to get to some magical location… THE BEACH of course! And the walk back isn’t that bad either. The vegetation is pretty high, so it shades us from the harsh sun! That’s why I like to start on the path and work my way down to the beach. See? I have a method to my madness!
4. There is usually ALWAYS a beach cruiser to photograph!
Listen, these bikes are pretty cool. You have to admit, they’re just asking to be used as a prop! So long as we are respectful, we don’t touch it (because it’s not ours!), we can photograph them and stand in front of them, all day long!
5. After your session there are SO MANY ICE CREAM SHOPS!
Who doesn’t LOVE ice cream? And let’s talk about variety for just one moment. If you want homemade ice cream, or soft serve, Jimmies or a waffle cone, heck, they even have a spot that serves acai bowls and dole whip! You just have to figure out what you want to eat after your session! I know right, tough choice!
With all of that said, check out this super adorable Family Session on Avalon Beach! This family has been a part of the BLP Family for some time now, actually since the Mom and Dad were engaged! How about that! I have watched their little ones grow up and their family grow and it has been a beautiful experience for me as their photographer, and not only that, they’re become my friends. I am proud to say that I absolutely love what I do. Someone once told me, that if you do what you love, you will never work a day in your life! When I tell you that’s not a lie, it most certainly is not!
Cheers to friendship, beautiful photography and growing families!
Love Avalon Beach? Check out these other amazing Avalon Beach Family Sessions:
Icona Avalon Family Session
Avalon Beach Portraits
Avalon beach portraits are probably my absolute favorite. Avalon beaches are quiet and calm. There are never many people there, and when there are, it still isn’t a lot. In the evening everyone is strolling along the streets eating ice cream so we have the entire beach to ourselves. I also have a few favorite spots that I love to go to. This is one of them. I love when I can incorporate greenery into my beach sessions for variety. That way the gallery isn’t just sand. Kids tend to get bored easily, so changing the environment but not going too far also helps!
It’s a nice walk, but the kids love it because they can run! This session started a little bit early, around 7pm because of the littles, but ideally, I like to start my sessions around 7:45 for the very best golden hour. However, as you can see here, with the right location, you can shoot anywhere, at any time so long as the lighting situation is correct! Not every location is the right location so it is a very good idea to discuss location with your photographer ahead of time, so you know that where you are going and at what time, is the right time!
Even if you are staying in a neighboring town, there is just something about Avalon that is very special and worth the trip. It’s also nice to visit somewhere else one night of your vacation. So if you are going to Ocean City or Sea Isle, check out Avalon one night as well, or make it a point to get some ice cream after your beach portraits! They have so many options for ice cream in Avalon, including my favorite – DOLE WHIP! (It’s sugar free, dairy free and GUILT FREE!)
Don’t forget to book your session before you come down (Book your session here!) to make sure everything is set for your vacation, and I will do the location scouting for you! I can wait to chat some more about your upcoming Avalon beach portraits and look forward to seeing YOU on the beach! xoxo- Lauren
Check out our favorite Avalon session from last year:
Family Beach Session in Avalon, NJ