Patti and Steve… where do I even begin? First of all, Masso’s Crystal Manor was the most amazing venue! I loved it there and the two of you are such a beautiful couple. It’s not everyday that you see as much love in someones eyes, as I did on your day! The way you two hold hands, the way you glance at eachother from across the room, the way you smash cake in one anothers face. (haha). You two honestly did marry your best friend. Some people go years without finding their true love, and you two, have got it! Hang on tight, and never let go!
Masso’s Crystal Manor is such a beautiful place. I hadn’t heard of it before your wedding, I even got lost! I kept thinking I was passing a bakery or something, but no, it was the venue! I drove into a parking lot, and didn’t know where to go, thankfully I saw the mother of the bride and she helped me find my way. When I turned the corner, I was shocked to see a fully shaded BEAUTIFUL waterfall garden! WOW! I couldn’t believe my eyes. This gem is hiding in South Jersey! People give our state a lot of grief, but New Jersey has some GORGEOUS locations! This, is just one of them, and I am so glad I was able to shoot here, and document this perfect wedding!
Take a loot at this wedding, and how truly amazing it was! If you’re looking for a gorgeous wedding venue with a waterfall behind you as you married your love, than look check out Masso’s Crystal Manor! Congrats you two and thank you again for trusting me with your memories!
When a Bride tells me she would like her engagement session to be at two different locations, I get so excited! Engagement sessions are so much fun when they have two totally different looks. The beach is always hard though, especially when it is hours before sunset. There is nowhere to hide from the sun, it’s bright, and it’s really a huge challange. Luckily for us, we went to the Brigantine Jetty, where there are some bulk heads to hide behind. (Believe it or not, when I was a child, there was water all the way up to these bulk heads, but since then, the water has moved out, and the Jetty is now accessable on one side all the way out!) It’s definitly different from when I was a kid, but it made it a great place to take pictures when the sun is super bright! The next location was none other than the Historic Smithville Village! I mean, you can’t go wrong here! When Krista showed up with this adorable green floral skirt, it was perfection! These two are such cuties! The one thing they said was, please – no corney photos! I think they were executed pretty darn well if you ask me – and I see no “corney” photos here, just 120% cuteness!
Krista & Alek – I hope you love these photos! I sure do!!!
Bokeh Love Photography