When one of my favorite clients told me she wanted a ‘Where the wild things are’ cake smash, I didn’t hold back! I went to town researching the book, the backdrops available, and seeing what other people did, so I could do something more unique, but still familiar. I couldn’t find anything I liked so I turned to the book. I looked at how it read and how the illustrations were created in this beautiful scene. Maurice Sendak, the Author and illustrator has created this amazing world for Max. I say world, because it is completely immersive. I wanted my client to feel the wild things, all around him and for this cake smash to be something special for him to look back on. So, hats off to you Maurice! You are a true inspiration! I can only hope I did his book justice. If you’re getting ready to plan your little ones Galloway Cake Smash, then you should definitely keep reading!
My client shares the same name as the main character in the book. Thats right! His name is also Max! So it was inevitable that he have a ‘Where the wild things are’ cake smash! He even had his very own costume! I honestly could not hold back the smiles during this whole session. Everything was perfect and he so cheerful the entire time!
The cake was custom made by LilyGray Sweets with custom cut out characters of them doing their wild rumpus! She is also from Galloway and does amazing Galloway Cake Smash Cakes! Anyway, If you grew up reading this book then you know how good it is! If you haven’t picked it up, it’s time to go grab a copy! Your children will thank you! LilyGray Sweets was able to take my inspiration from the book and create custom fondant cutout’s as decoration for the outside of the cake. It was perfection!
So, why is this cake smash so special to me? I’ve done a ‘Where the Wild Things Are’ cake smash years ago, and I was in love with it. With this session I was able to revisit it and try something new! This time around, I painted the entire backdrop! Sometimes, I am able to just find a backdrop I like, I purchase it, and throw it up. This time, I just couldn’t find exactly what I wanted, so I painted an entire mural! The good thing is, if you want this same set up for your son or daughter, I can make it happen, because I have photographed the mural and I am able to order it as a printed backdrop for future use.
Oh and do you see those dancing Wild Things? It’s actually a floor puzzle!
After every cake smash, I have started incorporating something new! A bath tub to clean off all the cake! Of course we let them splash and Mom or Dad can clean them up afterwards and get them dressed in their clean clothes to head home. It’s so easy and there is no mess in your car! I can only imagine that would be a sticky ride home!
If you loved what you saw here, please share this with all of your friends on facebook, pin it on pinterest and keep me in mind for your next cake smash or first birthday session!
Email me directly: lauren@bokehlovephotography.net
*I cannot sell this backdrop to other photographers, because I do not own the rights to the inspirational image from the book, and because it is so similar to the book, It is for my personal use only, for clients who request a session of this theme. I will not be offering mini sessions advertising sessions with this theme. It is by request only.
*Some of the links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
If you are located in South Jersey and looking for a Galloway Cake Smash Photographer, look no more, you’ve found the best one right here! I love everything about birthdays, especially the cake!
The babies, the themes, and even the messy cake are so much fun! It’s a celebration, like, “Hey look! Our baby turned ONE so we are celebrating by giving him his very own cake to smash and its going to be AMAZING!” and it is, every. single. time.
Like this R2D2 Cake Smash! What is not to love about this? We’ve seen Star Wars themes, and maybe even a Chewbacca theme. This cake is an R2D2 inspired plate of happiness made by his amazing Mama. So of course, he loved how it tasted, who doesn’t like a homemade cake?! I know I do! (I may have gotten some on my finger and I can say it’s good!) Also, I threw in the Chewbacca mask, because, well, why not!
Before the cake smash, well before ANY cake smash, we do ‘first birthday portraits’. I think it’s important to do these, well for one they aren’t covered in cake yet! And two, because it really gets the child used to being in front of the camera, because he (or she) will be the star of the show for 45-60 minutes. This is where they can warm up and get used to me documenting every move. The babies LOVE it!
My husband and I put in a few hours creating these custom boxes to look futuristic and Star Warsy. Yes, I said Star Warsy. Please don’t hate me, I’ve never ACTUALLY watched Star Wars. So, given my intergalactic lack of knowledge here, I think I did pretty darn well. Regardless of all of that, designing a set is one of my favorite things to do. Whether it’s an R2D2 set, or a pretty pretty princess set, I am up for the challenge! However , if you DO want an R2D2 Cake Smash, bring it on! I will be more than happy to design a brand new set for your little man (or little lady) thats custom to what you’re looking for!
If you are looking for a South Jersey Cake Smash Photographer, reach out to me so I can design a custom set for your son or daughter!
If you liked what you saw here, and you want to book your son or daughters cake smash, reach out to me today! lauren@bokehlovephotography.net