I love babies, I especially love 1 year old babies. They’re so full of life, and happy, and they’ve developed their own little personality! Some are quiet and shy, and others are fast moving and all giggles! I never know what is going to walk through my door (literally!). Some walk, some just aren’t there yet. If you are looking for First Birthday Portraits in Galloway NJ, then we are the company for you! One of my favorite sessions to date is little Miss Nora. She is so pretty, and inquisitive. She inspected the entire set, and wasn’t quite sure of my camera, even though I’ve photographed her quiet a few times. I love watching my clients grow up. I can’t wait to see how she blossoms next year!
Sometimes a cake smash just isn’t what a client wants, and that’s totally okay! Birthday portraits are just as amazing! I still design the set, and we just have a less messy set up. This set up is one of my favorites as well. The white netting, the rustic letters, the beautiful flowers and gorgeous backdrop! It is just so dainty, perfect for her First Birthday Portraits in Galloway NJ!
If you have a little one turning one soon, and you are in the Galloway NJ area, reach out to me today to schedule your upcoming session! I can’t wait to hear from you and meet your little lad or lady!
Bokeh Love Photography proudly serves the Tri-State are for on location photo sessions and in studio sessions. To book your son or daughters First Birthday Portraits in Galloway NJ reach out to me today! Lauren@bokehlovephotography.net
I am throwing it back to 2015 here with a portrait session in Galloway. It’s of my own babies. They have messy hair, and their clothes are, well, play clothes. I think at the time I said, girls, lets go take pictures in the back yard, they jumped for joy, I grabbed my camera, and then photos were made. I love revisiting old photos, and looking back at how adorable my (now almost 8, and 6 year old) babies were! I recently found a bunch of old photographs from my Great Great Grandmother and Great Aunt and my Grandpop and I guess I am feeling super nostolgic right now. One day, my daughters are going to find these photos, because of course I am going to print and frame them. They would never get a chance to find them if I don’t print them. CD’s are basically gone. USB’s will soon follow. I only hope that our hard drives stay around for a while, but because they connect via USB cord, I can only see them going sooner. I get so emotional about printing photos, and archiving them in albums, and being professionally framed , because believe it or not, these images are our legacy. It’s what we will leave behind, and at the end of the day, memories and knowing where you came from is what matters. I can’t tell you how big of an empty spot in my heart and my gut there is knowing that I can’t track down my Armenian Heritage. It’s sad, and sickening that my ancestors were killed during a genocide. But what I do have, the photos I did find, I hold so close to my heart, and they fill such a beautiful void! I hope one day, when my children find these beautiful images, they will be full of love and happieness because they can phsycailly hold a memory, and one day hang it on their walls.
To book your Portrait session in Galloway, please reach out to me today! Let’s capture your legacy!