Each year I plan my family session on Brigantine Beach. It’s something that I can look back on and say we all did together over summer break. Summer is a time where our kids are exploring and really coming into their own person and growing right in front of our eyes. Brigantine, NJ has always been a special place for me growing up. I guess that is why I love having sessions there.
This family session on Brigantine Beach was adorable! This little man was all smiles and loved hanging out with his Mommy and Daddy! I loved their aqua, cream and blue colors, I thought they looked so good on the beach! The best thing ever, is when clients show up camera ready!
If you are thinking about having a family session on Brigantine Beach, reach out to me and we can chat about it! The golden hour is my absolute favorite time to take photos because that is one hour before the sun starts to set. I have an app on my phone that tells me exactly what time the sun will start to set and when the last light will be.
On the Jersey Shore, we have amazing sunrises over the ocean (in the East) and our sunsets are in the West (behind the dunes). At 7:00pm in August it is the perfect time for beach portraits! The sun is setting. There is a gorgeous golden glow from where the sun starts to touch the tippy top of the dunes. And the backlighting from the sun, is like we are catching a glimpse of Heaven. How lucky we are to experience the beauty of the Jersey Shore.
You can’t visit the Jersey Shore without bringing some of this sunshine home with you, now can you?
To book your family session on Brigantine Beach, email lauren@bokehlovephotography.net
I can’t wait to hear from you!
Tonight, I took Family Portraits at Historic Smithville Village. The little ones kept me on my toes, but you know what the best part of a family portrait is? Those candid moments in between all of the attempted, posed portraits. I say attempted, because often times we want these picture perfect moments, but life just happens. Kids need to be kids. They need to run, they need to stop and water the flowers, or pretend to anyway. They need to ride a cement duck, and they need to take time for kisses. Daddy has to tie shoes, and babies want to run toward keys when they jingle. Photo ops with your Great Grandparents, become split seconds in time where these happy babies just want to look at them, and play with them, and smile because they’re being held by some of the most amazing people on Earth. These moments, may not be posed, but they’re real, they’re raw, and they’re a part of our legacy. Each second that goes by, these babies will be closer to school, and sports, and dances, and all the things that kids do when they grow older. Take the time to stop… and enjoy your babies. It’s okay to let them run!
I love to take Family Portraits at Historic Smithville Village. I live not even 5 minutes away. I adore the sunlight that comes through the trees at 7pm on a cool spring evening, and I love how the flowers are just the perfect distraction for the kids. It’s quiet and peaceful, and is just perfect for a family session. If you are looking for the perfect location, you’ve found it! Now we just need to get your session booked, so you too can document a piece of your legacy!
When my daughter told me she wanted Birthday Portraits at the Smithville Mansion for her 8th birthday my heart stopped. Okay, not really but I was not ready for her to grow up and ask for such a grown up gift.
My little princess was growing up. For her birthday, she wanted to be followed around by a professional photographer while wearing a gorgeous dress and high heels. Good thing her Mama Bear is a professional photographer. I was honored to be able to photographer her, and make her laugh, of course I was crying behind the camera.
We really did have a lot of fun though. I am happy that I was able to make this birthday wish of hers come true. She is definitely a girl who knows what she wants! I couldn’t be more proud.
It really is one of my favorite places to visit because it is historic and so well maintained. It’s perfectly set up for weddings, events and engagements. Additionally, the casual photo session with a soon to be 8 year old!
If you would like to have your son or daughters Birthday Portraits at the Smithville Mansion, reach out to me today and schedule your session! Or if you are recently engaged or going to propose; this is certainly a wonderful place to do it! I would honored to document these memories for you!
Photography for me, isn’t just about holding a camera and taking a photo. I have a serious passion for photography. Images are my life. A day without my camera is like a day without air. I can not breathe without it. A camera is always on my side, always with me, and ready for any moment that will happen. When I get the opportunity to photograph something special in someone life, I am very humbled and honored. Being chosen to be the person that you trust to capture and create these moments for you, its such a great feeling.
As for my daughter, she put all of her trust into me, that I would be able to document her Birthday Portraits at the Smithville Mansion exactly the way she always dreamt of and better. That is how everyone should think when they hire a professional. Dreams become real life, and real life can be preserved. These pieces are our history, they are our legacy, and one day our children will hang on to these memories, and pass them down to their own. Don’t just pass these moments by, hold them by the hand, and allow me to capture your legacy.