Last month, I had the opportunity to document my cousin Danielle’s maternity session at a park near their house, Riverton Yacht Club! When they told me they wanted to have a Riverton Yacht Club Maternity Session, I was so excited, because this is where they had their first look for their wedding. Not only that, but this is the exact location where John had proposed to Danielle! It’s an understatement to say that this park holds great meaning to them. Toward the end of the images, you will see Danielle sitting down and John kissing her belly. That is the exact location where he proposed years ago, only instead of belly kisses, he was holding a ring. They call the tree “their tree”, and I don’t blame them one bit. I see many future picnics here with their soon to be new baby girl, Emma Grace!
*Update: Emma Grace has been born! I am so excited to meet her next week for her newborn session!
I am so excited for them and so honored that I was able to capture these memories for them. I hope they love the images just as much as I do!
The Riverton Yacht Club is gorgeous. We didn’t get to go up to the yacht club, but the grounds around it are so well maintained. John told me that the owners of the houses along this street actually own the lawns, and that the road that runs parallel to the river is a throughway that was put there by the homeowners years ago (I think I got that correct!) It’s such a historic little town and such a beautiful drive after work. The sunset is definitely swoon worthy! Emma Grace is one lucky little girl to be able to grow up in such a history rich down!
If you thought these images from the Riverton Yacht Club Maternity Session were amazing, and you want to have a session here of your own, please reach out to me! I am in love with this location!
There is something about being pregnant, that sets you aside from reality. You are in your own world. You feel this overwhelming joy for love. To fall in love with someone you have never met, is the best feeling in the world. I had the honor of capturing the beginning of their legacy, the start of their journey, the little life that is growing inside that is going to bring more joy than they could have ever imagined. It was peaceful and quiet. It was romantic and beautiful. It was real. It was a beautiful day filled with purple flowers, horse farms, wide open roads and fun. They were themselves and totally wrapped up in the moment. This is exactly how a maternity session should be.
Brandon and Alaina are not just regular clients, but my family. Brandon, my nephew is so excited and I am so overjoyed that he chose Alaina to create a beautiful baby boy with. Baby Brandon will be here very soon and I can’t wait to welcome him to this new world! They’re going to be amazing parents!
Take a look at this amazing journey we went on yesterday, and if you’re pregnant and looking for maternity portraits, please contact me and let’s set your session up!!!