Planning a wedding in 2021? The game has seriously changed! I have compiled an amazing list of Wedding planning tips for 2021 to help you get started or continue planning your wedding with ease! This is a list of MY personal favorite sites, stores and blogs; from publishers and companies like Harpers Bazaar, Ceci NY, Figgie Shoes, or the Mrs Box and The Black Tux!
If I could plan my wedding all over again, I totally would do so many things differently. This list is compiled of all of my favorite things. I hope you love it, as much as I do and I hope it helps you to plan your dream wedding!
I hope you enjoyed this week’s Top Ten Tuesday – ‘Wedding planning tips for 2021’. Subscribe to my mailing list and be sure to come back every Tuesday for more amazing Top Ten’s!
*Some of the links in this post are Amazon affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.
I am a South Jersey Portrait Photographer. It’s what I do. It’s what I love. I am so lucky that my children love to get in front of the camera for whatever reason. This portrait session however, had an AMAZING reason. My daughter won a trophy. Yep! I think that deserves a photo session!
My daughter is an Irish Dancer. She makes me so proud. This past weekend, she attended a WIDA (World Irish Dance Association) Feis where she placed 1st place in the beginner premiership category. I was shocked, not because I didn’t think she could do it, but because she never had and this whole experience is new for us. Her teacher, Miss Kate is phenomenal. She is by far the best dance teacher I have ever met. She is passionate about dance, kind to all of the children, and she teaches them respect, structure, and everything they need to know to be good competitors. Even if they do not win, they are proud to be there, and all of the parents are proud that they tried and had fun! At the end of the day, it’s about having fun and enjoying what you’re doing! If you’d like to check out the school, and see if your son or daughter would like to become an Irish Dancer, here is the website:
It was a proud moment for me as Mom to see my daughter in just as much shock as me when she realized she had won first place. Tears were flowing from my eyes, and all of her friends and their families were cheering her on! My little irish dancer is moving on up. I am happy for her that she’s found something she is passionate about, and I can’t wait to see where this takes us! I can’t wait to take more photos of her winning and achieving new things! Good thing I am a South Jersey Portrait Photographer! I can easily take her portraits whenever she does something great!
Tonight we got the news that she will be moving up to hard shoe! (That’s the dance where they make a lot of noise when their feet hit the floor, during the jig) She took this news as basically hitting the lottery. She has wanted to make noise since she first saw the irish dance assembly at her school. I am so looking forward to her growing and loving every moment!
Of course, I just had to take portraits of her displaying her trophy proudly! (And if you scroll all the way to the bottom, you will see her puppy Princess Fiona just had to get in on the fun!)
If you are in the South Jersey area, or visiting and you are looking for a South Jersey Portrait Photographer, reach out to me to schedule your session! I look forward to meeting you!